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Glenda Moehlenpah, CPA, CFP®
Financial Bridges
13319 Poway Road, #506
Poway, CA 92064
Phone: 858-486-0100
During the next two to three decades, baby boomers will pass potentially trillions of dollars on to their children
and grandchildren. What would you do with a large inheritance?Take it Slow
Even if you have dreams of fancy cars and large homes, slow it down and consider how to handle your inheritance so that it can do the most good. First, find an estate planning attorney and financial professional whom you can trust to help guide your fortunes. Make sure you draw up a will and any other required documents before deciding on a spending plan. Future Care
Next, make sure you have an appropriate amount of life insurance to protect your new wealth. Consider putting the maximum amount of money away in tax-qualified plans for your retirement. Invest your money wisely, paying attention to future taxes.Pass It On
While you will likely want to ensure future generations can benefit from your windfall, you may also want to leave a legacy to a favorite cause. There are various strategies that can help you help others (see Leaving a Legacy article).
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