Anthony Bardi photo

Anthony J. Bardi

Registered Representative

Enrolled Agent, LTC# 454


Tax and Financial Solutions, Inc.

151 SE 223rd Avenue

Gresham, OR 97030


Phone:  503-666-7909

January/February 2025

Revive Your Retirement Strategy

Few people would argue about the wisdom of putting money away for retirement, yet many of us either don't start, take time off from contributing, or abandon this strategy altogether when financial obstacles hit. But most people can revive their retirement savings strategy at almost any age by making a few changes in how they deal with money.

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Disability Insurance for Your Business

You may be aware that disability income insurance can protect your employees' ability to earn an income should a long-term disability keep them from work. But do you know there is also a type of insurance that may protect a business financially in the same circumstances? It is particularly suited for a smaller company or practice that depends on a few people for most of its ability to operate succesfully.

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Healthy Financial Habits

Resolving to get financially fit is a great way to start 2025. Here are some ways to develop healthy money habits in the new year.

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Stick to the Basics

We all hope for a prosperous year as the new year kicks off. But we also know that markets are fluid and their performance cannot be predicted or timed, so it is important for every investor to cling to these well-known basics that can help them stay on track toward achieving their goals.

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How Americans Define "Financially Successful"

Take a look at the chart to see how Americans define financial success.

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Organize Your Documents

Is financial paperwork piling up on the dining room table or kitchen counter?

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Unmarried with Children

According to the 2023 U.S. census, one in four parents were unmarried, a sharp increase in recent years. More parents also have unmarried partners than in the past, which doesn't change the fact that most parents — especially single ones — should have life insurance.

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Target Your Investments

Most Americans have better things to do other than study the markets. That is why target-date funds continue to be so popular. Also known as age-based, lifecycle, and target-risk funds, target-date funds are designed to follow an investing path that changes when risk tolerance and time horizons change.

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