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Glenda Moehlenpah, CPA, CFP®
Financial Bridges
13319 Poway Road, #506
Poway, CA 92064
Phone: 858-486-0100
Is there such a thing as investing too conservatively?Inflation Risk
Having too conservative an investing approach, even if you’re nearing retirement, presents a risk of a different type — of your retirement money not keeping up with inflation. While inflation has been relatively tame in recent years, history shows that it can and will spike, as it did in the early 1980s when double-digit inflation ruled. Because the economy is cyclical, it is important to review your portfolio annually, at least.1% Matters
Having your retirement money in a bank savings account may be secure because it is federally insured up to certain limits, but you’ll fall behind if you’re earning just pennies — even when inflation is as low as 2%. Other investments, such as those issued by the U.S. Treasury, are guaranteed by the United States government and can offer more.Make Up with Time
If your time horizon is years away, you may want to revisit your investment strategy. While past performance won’t predict future results, time has always smoothed out volatility in the stock market. Talk with your financial professional to ensure you invest in a way that’s best for you and your goals.
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