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September/October 2022

Choose Your Benefits Carefully

Annual open enrollment gives you an opportunity to review the benefits offered by your employer, including health insurance, vision and dental plans, and life insurance, and make selections that reflect your current situation.

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"On Target" for Retirement

Your employer’s retirement plan may include an option to contribute to a target date fund.* Target date funds feature an investment mix that becomes more conservative over time, reducing risk as retirement gets closer.

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FSA and HSA: Alike but Different

Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts allow you to pay qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-free dollars. While both accounts offer tax benefits, they have some major differences.

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Is a Variable Annuity Right For You?

A variable annuity* is a contract between you and an insurance company that offers the potential for providing a steady income during retirement or for a set period. You can purchase an annuity by making periodic payments over time or with one lump-sum payment.

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Remote Workers Need to Feel They are Part of Your Team

Because you don’t see them every day, you may forget they’re an integral part of your team. But remote workers need meaningful interaction with managers and staff just as much as employees who are in the office.

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Pet Insurance is Growing in Popularity

Although pet insurance started in Sweden a century ago, the first pet insurance policy in the U.S. was sold in 1982. By 2020, the U.S. pet health insurance sector reported written premiums totaling $1.99 billion.*

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What Do You Know About Life Insurance?

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FAFSA: The Sooner the Better

If your child will attend college in the fall of 2023, now is the time to get started with the process of applying for financial aid.

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Saving for Your Retirement in a Job-hopping World

When you change jobs, you’ll have to decide what to do with your retirement funds, including money you contributed and vested company contributions.

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Financial Planning and Your Business

As you know, managing a successful business requires that you focus on all things financial. That’s because the bottom line dictates almost everything you can or can’t do to move your business to the next level.

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